Using the Whitestar Legal Mapper™ ArcGIS Python Toolbox
Download the WhitestarLegalMapper Python Toolbox.
Unzip the entire folder
Open a project in ArcMap
Open the ArcToolbox pane (Geoprocessing > ArcToolbox)
Right-click in an empty area in the pane and choose "Add Toolbox..."
Browse to the unzipped folder, select `Whitestar Cloud.pyt` and click "Open"
If you wish to make the currently loaded toolboxes your default, right-click in an empty area in the pane, select Save Settings > To Default
Open the ArcToolbox pane (Geoprocessing > ArcToolbox)
Expand "Whitestar Cloud.pyt"
Double click "Legal2Map" to open the tool
Select a CSV file or manually enter legal land descriptions
Select a layer file to save to
Select a Legal2Map service: WellSpotter (points) or LeaseBuilder (polygons)
Enter your Whitestar Cloud username and password
Click "OK"
The data returned from Whitestar Legal Mapper will be saved as features in the layer file chosen. The layer will be loaded automatically into the project.