Experience GIS data layers with unparalleled accuracy.

Our comprehensive GIS data offers accuracy with ease across multiple data layers, including wells, culture, and land parcel attributes. Plus, with Whitestar Cloud , never worry about installing, uninstalling, or configuring software. Simply stream GIS data to ArcGIS, G/G apps, and databases when subscribed to our data stack.

  • TrueGRID

    Methodically collected and refined for more than 30 years, TrueGRID is the most accurate, foundational data layer used by hundreds of blue-chip companies.

  • CultureHD

    Tackle any geospatial mapping project with our cartographic data library of more than 56 seamless, nationwide, base map information vector layers.

  • WellsHD

    Add confidence to your decisions with our high-definition database of more than 4 million oil and gas wells in the United States, plus regulator records and adjusted locations to match TrueGRID.

  • ParcelsHD or HD+

    Access quarterly updated data from over 3,200 counties. Stream accurate parcel data and detailed attributes directly into your GIS, covering a vast range of regions for precise land analysis and informed land decisions.

Get access to our high-fidelity GIS data fabric and precision land mapping software with Whitestar Explorer — multiple plans designed to fit your unique needs.